Facing the End of Life and Death

Alexander PeckNow in my mid-sixties, I deeply realize that my life in this physical existence will not continue indefinitely. There will come a day when my life will end.

It only makes sense to me, therefore, to give some attention to end-of-life matters before having to face them, perhaps in an untimely manner.

However, in doing so, I have a desire to share what I discover and learn with others — as a way of giving back in life. Perhaps this desire to share knowledge and understanding has been born as a result of my teaching background.

Additionally, I have also always had a leaning toward spirituality — that quest for meaning in life.

After receiving a teacher training degree in Australia, I had the privilege of studying toward a Bachelor of Arts in England, with an emphasis in theology. This was later followed by a Master of Arts in the United States in education. Finally, back in Australia, I received two Masters degrees with an emphasis in Christian spirituality. I have also recently pursued some Buddhist studies.

I now feel privileged to be able to share my exploration of end-of-life issues on this website.

With love and care,

Alexander Peck


Further Background Information

Personal Background

For some background information, please visit: http://the-six-bardos.org/index.php/personal-background/

Other Websites

Since 2012, I have created the following websites and blogsites. In looking back, each website and blogsite reflects where I have been in my spiritual journey at the time. However, the underlying theme has always remained a heartfelt interest in spirituality. Please visit: http://the-six-bardos.org/index.php/other-websites/